Governments have no standing with
God .
Governments are incapable of love.
Governments are incapable of moral conviction.
Governments are not human.
Individuals have standing with God . Individuals can demonstrate love. Individuals can have moral standards. Individuals are human.
The problem with any Government attempting to behave humanly is that it is all fake, contrived, insincere.
This is why Government is best which governs least. The more that is left to individuals, the more freedom, the more integrity, the more moral and honorable the actions.
If an individual chooses to operate morally, lovingly, honestly, givingly there flows blessings to the individual and society. This is Christ's model for humanity.
If an individual is forced to operate morally and taxed to bless others there is no longterm blessings that flows to the individual or to society.
The reason this doesn't work is that God is moral and He is a giver and we were created to emulate Him. God is not moral because He has to be. He just is. God does not give because He has to. He wants to.
Any organization which rejects God's model from creation is doomed to fail. Any organization which elevates God's model will be successful.
So, how does this play out in society?
Good hearted individuals should help those in need with their own resources. This is honorable and it it beautiful to behold. It is Godly.
Any individual who has a desire to help someone in need but is unwilling to use their own resources or expects someone else's resources to be taken by force to meet the need is immoral, has no integrity and is dishonorable. This is satanic.
Lets apply this to the Syrian Refugee situation. There are two major aspects to this issue:
- Security
- Resources
With respect to 1. it is immoral to risk the security of your neighbor just because you have trust that the refugees are not dangerous.
With respect to 2. it is immoral to require your neighbors resources to support a single refugee.
So, we see that all arguments for or against Government actions revolve around an individuals choice for the Godly model or the satanic model. Furthermore, it is impossible to separate Politics and Religion . Political views flow from Spiritual convictions.