The following is an editorial response to the idea of eliminating the "Johnson Amendment".
Christians are Americans too.
Johnson gagged ministers because they did not support him. They saw him for what he was - a self-serving Socialist . It turns out he was worse than they imagined. It was Johnson who arrogantly and deceptively established the "great society". One which through entitlements has brought us to this sorry pass in our history - 20 trillion in debt. Why did he do this? To buy the votes of the 'disenfranched' through taxpayer money delivered as welfare. (Welfare sounds too harsh, let's call it entitlements)
Enough about Johnson.
To deny ministers their rights as American citizens is Fascist . The reality is that a person's Political values are a manifestation of their Spiritual values. There is no solid line between Faith and Politics . It is a continuum.
On what basis is it right to steal from one person to give it to another? Certainly not a Biblical basis. It must be a SecularHumanist basis which, by the way, is a Religion . It is the Religion with man as the supreme Authority . It is satanic in origin.
So, what we have here is a battle between Christianity and SecularHumanism - a Spiritual conflict with Political and Social overtones.
If you are on the secular humanist side it is very helpful to gag the opposition in a war of words and ideas.
Every person in a church including the minister is subject to tax laws. So, each individual in the church has a right as an American to speak on Political matters wherever and whenever they like.
For those of you who only know a distorted history of the U.S. take a look at this link: