that His Will is being done on earth as it is in Heaven
The difference between Old Testament and New Testament is like the difference between night and day. In the night we plod along carefully and fearfully hoping not to trip over the unseen or be caught by the Enemy. In the daytime we Walk with confidence, clear Vision, with Joy and Hope.
Study the Bible from this perspective and You Will Not be confused. Rather, You will Read with Understanding and Revelation by His Spirit of God's Love manifested through Christ Jesus to you.
The Bible, the Word of God by Barry Bennett
That which carries God’s Life, Authority and the Revelation of His Redemption is Not Just a book. It is charged with His Life and has Transformed the Lives of millions.
Are the Scriptures “God breathed?” ()
Do the Scriptures contain the incorruptible Seed that Saves Us? (1 Pet. 1:23)
Can You Read the Bible and Receive Faith to be Saved? ()
Do the Scriptures contain God’s Life? ()
Do the Scriptures carry God’s Authority? ()
Do the Scriptures contain the Power to Heal? ( )
Does Faith come from reading the Scriptures? ()
Is the mystery of the Gospel revealed through the Scriptures? ()
Did Jesus honor the Scriptures? ( 32, 44-45)
Did Jesus equate the Scriptures with the Power of God? ()
Did Jesus equate the Scriptures with the voice of God? ()
Do the Scriptures reveal Righteousness by Faith? ()
Should we speculate beyond what is written? ()
Did Jesus Understand His Ministry through what was written? ()
Can what is written bless us? ()
Did Jesus refer to the Old Testament as the Word of God? ()
Can the Scripture be broken? ()
Do the Scriptures contain the promises of God? ( )
If the Scriptures are God breathed, cannot be broken, Give Birth to Faith, can Heal, can vanquish the Enemy, contain the voice of God, reveal the Gospel, gave Authority to Jesus and the New Testament writers, had to be fulfilled, contain the better Covenant, contain the promises by which we become partakers of His Divine Nature, bless us, and Jesus refers to them as the Word of God, can we not call them the “Word of God” and exalt them as such?
Jesus and the Bible by Barry Bennett
Sadly, today many are attacking the infallibility of the Bible in order to promote their philosophies about God, grace, salvation and hell.
Almost always when there is an attack on Scripture, it comes from someone who has decided to believe something different, and Scripture is in the way of that belief.
It is comical that those who attack Scripture still use it when it suits them. Either it can be trusted or it can’t be trusted.
You can’t sing and preach about Jesus if the book that reveals Him is corrupt and full of errors. You have nothing on which to base your beliefs.
The most revealing argument in favor of the Bible as God’s Word is Jesus’ own relationship with it.
Jesus could quote from memory verse after verse. He knew it inside and out.
He continually referred to His life as the fulfillment of prophecy, thus, He believed the prophecies. He believed in the historical facts of the Old Testament such as Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and his wife, Isaac and Jacob, the manna from heaven in the wilderness, the serpents in the wilderness, Jonah, Daniel and Isaiah, etc.
He mentioned various authors of the Old Testament and the books attributed to them. He believed that that which was written in the Old was spoken by God. ()
He believed that Moses and the prophets were to be believed when speaking of the torment of hell. ()
He quoted Scripture when confronting Satan, face to face. Even Satan quoted Scripture! Interesting that Satan didn’t question the infallibility of Scripture.
He submitted Himself to the Law and lived under the Law in order to fulfill the Law. This would make no sense if the Law was full of errors.
Jesus quoted Scripture over 80 times in the 4 gospels. Jesus revealed Himself in the Law and the Prophets. ()
He opened the understanding of the disciples to understand the Scriptures. ()
This would make no sense if the Scriptures were full of errors. There are as many as 600 quotes and references in the New Testament from the Old.
In other words, the New Testament writers considered the Old Testament the infallible Word of God.
Just because someone doesn’t understand something in the Word of God, or they have chosen to reject clearly presented truth, doesn’t mean that the Word is fallible.
It means they have chosen to establish their finite minds and emotions as the final judge of truth.