No one receives the things that Christ has appropriated for us except through Faith . The object of Faith is the Word of God (incarnate and written). Faith 'comes' or 'becomes effective' when a person is exposed to the Word .
Whoever is in need ( Christian or non-Christian) must be exposed to the Word of God in order to receive the things of God . It is NOT sufficient to just Pray for the need to be met. The Word which engenders Faith must be present. It is though Faith that we are Saved by Grace . It is through the foolishness of preaching (teaching, witnessing) that God operates in peoples lives to Save them. God uses people to speak His Word over needs. The Word is Seed . Without Seed there is no Harvest . Prayer waters the Seed .
What's my point?
Don't Pray asking God to do things He has already done. Don't Pray asking God to do what He has charged you to do. Don't Pray asking God to change the way the Kingdom works.
Understand that we have Responsibility , Authority and Power to intervene in peoples lives with the Word . If we intervene first, our intercessory prayers will be effective.