When we hear the word, perversion, we immediately think of sexual perversion. But sexual perversion is only one of the perversions that divert man from blessing into cursing.
Here is a list of such:
→ homosexuality
→ whoredom
→ gluttony
→ drunkenness
→ AnimalWorship
Perversion definition: "behavior or desire that is considered abnormal or unacceptable."
"Considered" implies a thinking being is involved.
The problem with ideas that most arrogant people are ignorant of is that every idea is either inspired by Go or by the enemy, Satan.
The Lord gave us His Word which expresses His value system. You can deduce Satan's value system from the Lord's - he is against everything that the Lord is for.
Perversion is rebellion.
So, the issue (that has been and always will be in this age of the World) is righteousness. A righteous person is one who is in right standing with the Lord. It is a person who agrees with the Lord.
Repentance is turning away from the enemy's ideas and opinions and turning toward the Lord and His principles.
Lastly, the real evil in perversion is not so much the physical act but the spirit of the man or woman involved, who is in rebellion against the Lord and has taken a stance in unrighteousness.
The weak Church caved to the power of the enemy who used the word tolerance to weasel rebellion against the Lord into its psyche.
Now the whole world is being coerced by Children Of Satan to rebel against the Lord in favor of the normalization of perversion.
Every person who stands with the enemy of the Lord is an enemy of the Lord. Such will be destroyed. It is that simple.