    [ Created: 2017-01-30 16:34:10  Updated: 2019-03-16 08:47:46   Owner: rl ]
Title: You cannot add to Grace

The HolySpirit is breaking down man-made walls between Christians . His Purpose is to glorify Christ Jesus by exposing the magnificence of Grace brought to us through His Suffering , Death and Resurrection . When we allow the Focus to be on Jesus , the HolySpirit Manifests Power in the Body of Christ . People Will be Healed , chains Will be broken, Life Will spring forth.

Denominations, separatists and sects are of man. They are a fabrication of men's Pride in their Understanding of the Truth . When a person is really bathing in the Light of Christ Jesus through His Word and in Communion with the Holy Spirit there Will be Love , Joy and Peace manifested - particularly toward fellow believers.

John 13:35
By this shall All men Know that ye are my disciples, if ye have Love one to another.
If a discussion between Believers results in division, I can guarantee You the discussion was not about Grace . We are Saved by Grace so it is impossible for us to Denigrate Grace . Otherwise we undermine our own Salvation . It is not by works. It is the Love of God extended unconditionally to each of us. True Grace teaching glorifies Christ Jesus more and more as it is expounded.

As one Minister put it: Keep the main thing, the main thing.
