IslamicRefugees    [ Created: 2017-01-29 14:39:14  Updated: 2017-02-05 17:04:48   Owner: rl ]
Title: Trouble for the whole world
No one is being beaten. No one is being persecuted. They are simply going through a different protocol for authorization to enter the U.S. to mitigate the risk to Americans.

I would encourage all Americans to look honestly at the history of Islam. It is a religion of military conquest, forced conversions and suppression of freedom wherever it exists. Did you know that the 7 churches of Asia Minor which Paul established and Jesus spoke to through Revelation are now gone. Asia Minor is now modern day Turkey which is 99+% muslim. This happened by military conquest. St Augustune was a Libyan who helped all of Christianity understand their faith. Libya is now 97% muslim. This occurred by military conquest. The massacre of Christians in Iraq is the truth about Islam. They coexist with other religions until they are strong enough to seize power.

History will show that Obama put us on the precipice of takeover by Islam. Had Hillary been elected, her payback to islamic donors to the Clinton Foundation would have entrenched Islam in the U.S. to the point of no return.

If you know a bleeding heart liberal that wants to be kind and trusting to everyone, inform them that Islam is the tool of satan who comes to steal, kill and destroy.

You do not come out to the good in treating satan nicely. He is a liar and a thief. There is no negotiating him out of his position, nor is there the chance that all Muslims will not ultimately align with sharia! If you have the seed of cancer in you, it is just a matter of time and circumstance before it manifests and ultimately kills you.

Again, look at history.

A truth video