| Following are some points to consider about Health and Disease :
- Not scriptural but worthy of consideration: 'cleanliness is next to godliness'. We are a very filthy people. How so? We deal with Pets and other animals as if they came through hospital sterilization which is the opposite from the truth. Animal infections are supposed to stay in the animal kingdom. They are not supposed to be transmitted from animals to humans through exchange of bodily fluids.
- We huddle sick people together in doctors waiting rooms where they pick up other sick people's diseases along with the one they brought with them.
- We do not use wisdom and quarantine ourselves when we are sick. We medicate and move around in the general populace as if we are not infectious.
- We put our children in day cares where they pick up other children's illnesses. Our children bring home the illnesses and we take the illnesses to work where our coworkers contract it.
- We are too careless with handshakes, hugs and kisses which are good in themselves but are great ways to communicate disease.
Here is the Truth about Health :
By His stripes we were Healed