    [ Created: 2017-01-17 16:02:55  Updated: 2019-10-30 21:06:00   Owner: rl ]
Title: President, CIA director, who else?

To my Liberal friends and their Liberal friends:

This country has almost been destroyed Morally , financially and politically by the SecularHumanist leadership in the democratic party. It is Way past Time for us to wake up to Reality . We have had a Muslim president for 8 years. I Just Found out that he appointed a director of the CIA who sounds very much like a Muslim in this Speech :

How can America be safe when it's leadership is so Deceived about the Enemy ? Please don't tell me that all Muslims aren't Evil . That's like saying Satan isn't all bad. It is irrelevant. The core of Islam is anti-Christ and anti-Jew. Their sworn Objective is to Destroy Israel and the United States. Look at the History of Islam honestly. It has always been a threat to the west. It has always fought between its major sects.

If the Left can be so Wrong about such an obvious Enemy , it is very likely it is Wrong on other fronts. I highly recommend that you open your eyes to the Truth . The Truth won't be found in a Politicians mouth . It will be found in the Word of God .

If you have discounted the Bible , you fall into the category of Fool . The Fool has said in his Heart there is no God . The Fool is Right in his own eyes. The Fool blindly Follows another Fool .

The God and Father of Jesus Christ can set you Free from Delusion . He can open your eyes to the Truth . Give up your confidence in man and turn to Jesus who is the Way , the Truth and the Life . He Loves you and wants to be in Relationship with you .