More and more celebrities are using their Celebrity status to make Political statements.
Unfortunately, most of these people aren`t real. They are like the video game beings - totally fabricated in the minds of their programmers.
The Celebrity programmers are socialist ideologues who have contrived a world where the privileged few can feel good about themselves by empowering the Government to rape the masses in order to assist the disenfranchised.
On George and Ellen...
Humanity cannot escape politics. Politics is just the manifestation of our Spiritual beliefs in the government (law and order) arena.
Why are Hobby Lobby, Chick Filet, a small privately-owned bakery and Christianity in general being persecuted? Why is LGBTQ right now at the Supreme Court trying to get the government to force their lifestyle on private enterprise?
⇒ Because of political differences which spring from our Spiritual differences.
Christians have been ignoring politics for 60 years and find themselves as odd-men-out in the media, courtroom and Congressional arenas. This is because we were not political when it mattered. We have been sleeping the sleep of death.
Ellen is a talented Degenerate. George Bush proved that he was a socialist when he did absolutely nothing during his second term to turn our country`s direction. Socialists (people that steal to ingratiate themselves with others) are in the same camp with people who abuse themselves sexually. That is why Ellen and George can palaver. They have the same root.
Their actions have nothing to do with the Love of God. Jesus said himself: "Except you repent you will all likewise perish". Was He unloving? It is Love to speak the Truth regardless of who is short-term hurt by it. Deceiving and being deceived is the way of the carnal world. " There is a way that seems right to man but the ends thereof are the ways of death." We see it all around us with the increase in disease, violence, hate, hypocrisy, lying, drug addiction, suicide, identity politics, etc.
The good of the many outweighs the good of the few. That is the only sound way to operate as a person, to run a family, a community, a town, a county, a state and a federal government. The alternative ideology says that the many serve the few - by force . Our soldiers have understood that "the good of the many outweighs the good of the few" since our founding but the people they have fought and died for are apparently ignorant of this principle and, as a result, are undeserving of their sacrifices for freedom.
In my opinion Ellen was just using the venue to wheedle a little more space for her lifestyle and identity group. Likewise, George is a politician and perhaps saw a way to enhance his legacy (or so he may have thought).
In the reaction by the press, you see that George did not have to explain himself, but Ellen did. This shows you the onesidedness of the divide in our country.
Most conservatives are actually `tolerant` of differences while the left is intolerant of conservatives. The proof of this statement is found in how the left is unceasingly attacking a populist president because he is not of the left persuasion. Whereas the right put up with an un American, lying, racist, muslim for 8 years without much more than a little complaining.
"Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion has light with darkness?" -
"And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." -
"I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the Fire , that you may be rich; and white raiment, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of your nakedness do not appear; and anoint your Eyes with eyesalve, that you may see." -
"Getting along" is not now nor has it ever been a requirement or expectation of Christ. Jesus did not get along with everyone though He bore everyone`s sins. Those who refuse Him will be cast in the lake of fire. That is not "getting along" with everyone.
He commanded us to preach the Gospel to every creature. Why? So they can be saved. From what? Hell. If leaving people alone to "just be who they are" was a viable option then Jesus died for nothing and preaching the Gospel is a waste of time.
If you do not see every person in your life as either a person headed toward heaven or one headed toward hell, you are at least partially blind. Be healed in the name of Jesus so you can fight the good fight of faith!
"Well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of the Lord" is better than being popular with those who will end up in hell.
In closing, I wonder what Jesus would say to Ellen?
"You were very good in Finding Nemo".
Or to George?
"You really took good advantage of 9/11 to get re-elected".
⇒ No, He would would probably say something along the line of "gaining the world and losing your soul" to both of them. Because, after all, that is His message to all of us.