The following verse is the Only one in the Bible which uses the Word enable. It is a wonderful thing to be enabled by God to do something. He always guarantees success when He is the enabler.
We enable in many ways many times without realizing we are doing it. In times of affluence it is particularly possible for us to enable or indulge while completely unaware of the fact, extent and consequences.
Enabling can take many forms:
- finances
- advice
- encouragement
- permission
- ignorance
Enabling can be done to many objects:
- children
- friends
- co-workers
- entertainers
- representatives
- government
There is always an element of responsibility involved when we enable. As stewards of all that our Lord has entrusted to us, we should take the responsibility seriously.
Whatever we enable has consequences for the enabled and for the enabler.
You cannot choose the consequences of your choices - Joseph Prince
As we consider the choices that we make, including the choice Not to choose, we should be mindful of consequences.
What may seem innocuous may in fact have significant ramifications for the enabler and the enabled.
Most of what has gone wrong in our lives us a result of unwise enabling.
In order for us to recover we have to be more responsible about our resources, our stewardship. This will Not be easy.
It Will Not be easy for the enabler when communicating to the enabled.
It Will Not be easy for the enabled as they likely have become dependent on the enabler.
Making tough decisions are necessary for improving any destructive situation. However, the results are always best for everyone in the long run.
The result of being enabled in a wrong direction is that which is enabled is spoiled.
We are stewards of our Lord's property (He owns everything in heaven and earth). There are varying levels of good stewardship and good stewardship may vary from opportunity to opportunity.
Enabling (giving to or supporting) is a very important area of stewardship. The question Is :
"Are we using our Lord's resources to enable His enemies?"
I hear many complaints about "The View", "CNN" and others. TV programs and news organizations exist because they are enabled financially. Now, if You don't see such programs and outlets as enemies of our Lord, stop reading here.
Our financial support of cable and satellite companies through subscriptions are enabling these outlets. Our purchasing of products which sponsor such outlets enable them.
The most strategic move an army can make is to cut off supply lines. If they can accomplish that, the enemy will be easily Defeated.
For your own sake, for the good of the country, for Christ's sake, stop enabling the enemies of God.