An Idiot may be Educated or uneducated. They may be ugly or beautiful. They may be athletic or clumsy.
The distinctive characteristic of an Idiot is that they do not translate whatever they know to a logical or practical statement or action.
Although anyone can demonstrate characteristics of an Idiot from time to time, a real Idiot is one whose words and actions are consistently Idiotic. The Idiot has made Idiotic a lifestyle.
The steps to national idiocy:
- First we rolled over to the idiots who took prayer and Bible reading from public schools.
- Then we rolled over to the idiots who supported people who did not work with taxes from people who do.
- Then we rolled over to the idiots who justified abortion.
- Then we rolled over to the idiots who authorized homosexual marriages.
- Then we rolled over to the idiots who started rewriting history and destroying our children.
- Then we rolled over to the idiots that cried the sky is falling because of C O V I D- 19.
- Then we rolled over to the idiots who said shutting the economy down was a good thing.
- Then we rolled over to the idiots who took our Constitutional freedoms.
- Then we rolled over to the idiots who allow terrorists to destroy our cities.
Now we are overrun with idiots. Apparently idiocy is more contagious than C O V I D- 19.