There is nothing inherently wrong with Intelligence. Rightly handled it has brought about tremendous advances to mankind.
However, these advances occurred because ideas were made practical. They did not remain ideas.
We have come to revere Education for Education`s sake. This has resulted in disdain for the less educated. Essentially, a caste system has devloped along the lines of Education :
- PhD, MD, LLD, etc
- Masters
- Bachelors
- Technical
- High School
- Drop-out
And within the collegiate strata there are the sub-strata of alma-maters:
- Ivy League
- Private Universities
- State Universities
- Colleges
With the emphasis on Education and its impact on the individual`s status in society the reverence toward Intellectuals has grown. The reality, though, is that most people who consider themselves Intellectual never have experienced an independent thought. They merely subscribe to the Philosophy of a `real` Intellectual.
There are some harsh realities that have been obscured by the elevation of Intellectuals to honor and leadership roles:
It`s time we return to honoring those who actually provide the products and services to us more than those who simply test well and have devloped a knack for talking. There will always be a place for Intellectuals - just not at the top.