This term was coined by Nassim Taleb.
The Elitist Intellectuals who have run America for some time now can rightly be characterized as Idiots . They have determined that Education credentials have made them superior than the less Educated . So, they created agencies and bureaucracies to manage the affairs of the inferiors.
For a while the inferiors allowed this to go on because they were duly impressed by the Education credentials of the superiors. They voted them into office and reelected them at every opportunity. After all, they could speak so eloquently, and, don't forget all those Education credentials!
For too long we have had a Congress that does nothing on the budget but pass continuing resolutions. The national debt keeps going higher and higher. The Agencies are out of control, strangling the people. The judiciary is bending over backward for the aberration at the expense of the general public welfare.
The light has come on and probably won't go back off. Education does not qualify you to do anything except get a job - a real job. Not a job where you tell people who have jobs how to live their lives. Not a job where you steal from people who have jobs to give to people who have no jobs. Not a job where you pass Laws that kill the spirit of those with jobs through Regulation and Taxation .
Yes, our elected officials may be Intellectual but the evidence is that they are also Idiots .