[ Created: 2016-12-29 07:36:02  Updated: 2019-08-16 23:36:18 Owner: rl ]
Title: What is an American?    



Just as Liberalism has hijacked many other words and redefined them for their purpose, so have they tried to redefine what it means to be American.   

" American " is more than citizenship.   It`s about the Constitution.   It`s about the right to Life.   It`s about " In God we Trust ".   It`s about Work , Family , God.   It`s about Integrity.   It`s about Freedom.   It`s about small Government.   

20190816 American Faith The people that came to America in the 1600`s believed that this land was a gift from God where they could worship Him according to the dictates of their hearts.   They had to come and possess the land though it was a gift.   

There were no houses, businesses or churches when they arrived.   They had to forage, hunt, clear land, farm and build every structure from the earth.   

The American spirit, which is to say "the spirit of faith in God and His laws", is what made America.   

God expects us to walk by Faith, not depending on handouts and freebees.   He revels in blessing those that sow in order to reap.   

If you are not sowing you will not reap.   However, unlike America in the early days you can survive on government handouts which come to you by theft and kill your spirit.   

God`s promises require action our part for them to manifest.   Sometimes our action is faith alone but most of the time we have to extend ourselves by other actions (seed sowing) to see the harvest.   

Be a real American and a real Christian.   Our founders pulled that off and you can too.