Exploration may be Good and it may be Evil .
The first Explorer was a man:
He explored Eden and Creator God as he walked with Him in the cool of the day.
The second Explorer was a woman:
She Explored disobedience and the effects of the forbidden fruit.
So, in the first and second Explorers we see both Good Exploration and Evil Exploration characterized . What made one Good and the other Evil ?
Adam's Exploration of Eden was Good because it was a Gift from God . His Exploration of God in Fellowshipping with Him was Good because God made Himself available to Adam.
Eve's Exploration of the forbidden fruit was Evil because it transgressed God's law. It was an act of rejection of God's Authority and overshadowing Love .
We live in a society today which values Exploration but rejects God's Authority and direction .
We Explore the universe looking for other life while ignoring the Life that comes through the NewBirth . Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. This is where God and the angels are. He wanted to bring us into that Kingdom . It is a Spiritual Kingdom that is accessible to us today through HolySpirit .
We Explore Science and Physical Laws while ignoring the Law giver. Lifestyles such as LGBTQ are Explored from the perspective that it is a matter of Choice . To some extent that is correct. Just as God gave Eve the right to Explore the forbidden fruit so does every human have the right to reject Good and accept Evil .
Murder of unborn children, Abortion , has been legitimized. That is society's right. However, God's law is still in effect. So, this Exploration into human rights is Evil .
Since humans are inherently ( Created that way) curious and want to Explore , what is the appropriate application of this desire?
Let's go back to Adam. He Explored Eden as a Gift from God - the physical creation and the laws that govern it. He Explored God - His Fellowship , His Love . His Provision .
God's Will is that we Explore Him.
His Gifts to us tell us about Him. These Gifts are physical and more importantly, Spiritual . God is a Spirit and those who would appreciate Him must experience Him in a Spiritual way based on His Word which is Truth .
Eve exercised her right to Explore outside of God . The result of that Exploration was Death - Spiritual Death and eventually physical Death .
The Amazing Gift and Love of God - Jesus Christ - is to be our Life . All Exploration outside of Him is as Solomon said: vanity - emptiness. HolySpirit is Jesus in us . The Love , Character and Power of God has been given to us to Explore .
May God help us to Worship (value) Him in Spirit and in Truth . In Him we find the answer to all our questions, all of our needs. More importantly we are home .