We are all familiar with cases where individuals were caught living double lives. These cases are always intriguing because of the deception that must be maintained.
Sometimes the people who are caught Living a Lie are genuinely sorry for it. Somehow decisions that they made take them down a path that entrap them. They didn't start out to deceive. But the choices they made compromised them so that it became easier to Live a Lie than to face the truth.
Jesus told us that we must be BornAgain and experience a NewBirth . This implies that we should start down a new path - that the old way of thinking and acting should be abandoned.
Instead of forsaking the old life and pursuing the new Life many Christians compromise and begin living double lives. The reason that the old life is not forsaken is Unbelief . Though the Christian may Believe on Jesus and truly be BornAgain , they allow Satan to undermine their Faith causing them to hang on to the old life.
There are two primary reasons that Christians begin to live double lives.
- Comfortable
- Lack of Discipling
In general, humans become comfortable with whatever they are used to. Even people in destructive relationships develop some comfort in the conistently abusive relationshup. So, the old life is at least familiar and, in some sense, comfortable.
The primary reason though is lack of Discipling . If a person is left without instructions on how to do a job they have never done before, they will either do nothing or begin doing what seems reasonable. In Spiritual terms 'what seems reasonable' is their old life. In order for the employee to do an unfamiliar job they must be trained. Training in Christ is called Discipling .
Discipling has as its goal the transforming of the disciple's mind.
Romans 12:2
And be not Conformed to this World : but be ye Transformed by the Renewing of your Mind , that ye may prove what is that Good , and Acceptable , and Perfect, Will of God .
This verse indicates that the transformation or training of our Minds will result in nonconformity to the World system. It also indicates that we will enter an existence where God's Will is lived out through us.
How does the Transforming , Renewing happen? It happens as the Word and Spirit of God are exercised. Just as a person learning a new job gets better as they study and practice, so does the Christian who studies the Word and Prays in the Spirit .
Our purpose in being left on this earth after being BornAgain is to be a Witness of Christ Jesus . By continuing to live the old life we fail to be what the NewBirth empowered us to be. By spending time in studio the Word and praying in the Spirit we are Transformed into a Witness and the new Life can be lived out. When this happens the old life simply passes away in the same fashion the moving to a new home or a new job results in the old home or job becoming just a memory.
There is Power in the NewBirth and the Life that it brings. There is defeat, suffering and Death in the old life.
Choose Life !