Lying is sinful. Lying should be avoided because of the damage it does.
All Lies are not equal. Some are more damaging than others.
A Liar is person who is disposed to Lying. Lying is evidence that the Truth is not in that person.
But what is the Lie that gets God's attention?
And who does God consider to be a Liar ?
Who is a Liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ ? He is Anti Christ , that denieth the Father and the Son.
Propaganda is the enemy of the people. We used to have "truth in advertising". Now, our society accepts lying, half-truths, slanting and biased reporting as a matter of course.
The scriptures tell us that all liars will be cast into hell. Why? because lying and deceit are destructive to the perp and to his audience.
In the name of Jesus I speak a curse upon any person or entity that traffics in lies. May they be brought to repentance as "their world" crumbles around them.
I make it a point to avoid Liars. The Media are Liars. You cannot Trust their negative reports and you cannot trust their positive reports. You must ignore EVERYTHING that comes out of a Liar. This is Wisdom. Take it or leave it.
7000 Americans die every day from something. That is 2,500,000 people every year. Death is part of life in a fallen world. This should not be news to anyone.
The Fear from obsessing over any one cause of Death is a symptom of mental illness. Mental illness comes from disconnection from God who gives every person who comes to Him a sound Mind along with an awareness of His Love and Power in their lives.
I am appalled at the lack of Faith and Power in the Christian community. I am embarrassed for them before their Lord. Jesus raised the question: when the Son of man comes, shall he find Faith on the earth? -
It looks like the answer is "no".