6 - Spoiled    [ Created: 2016-11-21 17:33:00  Updated: 2018-08-07 21:05:50   Owner: rl ]
Title: Having the character harmed by being too lenient or indulgent
Our Society is being eaten up by the Spoiled .

When a food item is Spoiled you should throw it out. If you eat Spoiled food you get sick. In some cases you die.

When a person is Spoiled they become wasteful, selfish, arrogant and incorrigible.

  • children
  • athletes
  • actors
  • politicians
  • corporations
  • entitled

The above list of Spoiled people need to be ignored when they are non-violent, chastised when they are, cut off from their support and generally told to grow up.

They should not be encouraged, supported or given a platform for complaining.

Parents, if you love your child do not spoil them. Discipline them and introduce them to work for pay.

Fans, if your celebrity is spouting off on offensive moral and political positions, find another source of entertainment.

Buyers, if a corporation's leadership is taking offensive moral and political positions, find an alternative product to buy.

Voters, if your politician's votes do not represent your values, vote for someone else.

Taxpayers, if your dollars are going to support people blocking highways, looting stores and shooting police, you should demand the entitlements be stopped for those involved.

Unlike food, people can be Redeemed . Their hearts and Minds can be changed by an encounter with Christ Jesus . Many people are shielded from the reality of their need for Christ by enablers. If you are enabling anyone, whether it be child, celebrity, politician or corporation, by your indulgence, stop now.

Give reality a chance to sink in. The greatest reality is Jesus , the Way , the Truth and the Life .