    [ Created: 2016-11-19 20:19:40  Updated: 2019-05-31 16:10:18   Owner: rl ]
Title: No house, no apartment, no camper, no tent, no church, no friends, no family

Many of these people do not want to be part of any system. They are willing to endure privation for their independence. When a person adopts the lifestyle of a beggar they have to endure what it entails. No individual, no church, no government is responsible for keeping up those who refuse to keep themselves up.

Homelessness cannot be solved by social programs. The more you enable people in a destructive lifestyle the more others will be drawn to it.

I am talking from experience as I have had many such people come to our church asking for handouts. I have yet to see one person who is willing to become part of healthy society where you settle down, receive help to get on your feet and become a productive citizen. They just want their immediate need met so they can move on.

It is sad, but it is reality.

Jesus said: "the poor will always be with you".

He knew that the independent will that He gave to each human being would often be exercised to their own hurt. It is not His will. His will is that all come to Him and receive Abundant Life .

On the bright side ... At least the homeless don't work all their lives trying to keep their heads above water while carrying a tax burden to support those who don't work ... and then, like those who do, die and face God .

20190531 - Homelessness and disease Homelessness is first and foremost a spiritual disease that affects the individual. Every homeless person I have ever met did not want to leave their state of homelessness! That is a disease of the human heart.

When homelessness is encouraged and enabled, it becomes a societal disease - a spiritual disease of the society.

The spiritual disease manifests in physical disease as we are now seeing in major cities in our country.

What is the solution?

The same and only solution that has existed for 2000 years: Repent! Change your way of thinking. Jesus said: "Unless you repent you will all likewise perish."

Does society have a responsibility for the homeless? No!

Do inidividuals have a reaponaibility to the homeless? Yes! But it is not what you think.

Our individual responsibility to any person who is in any kind of bondage is to set them free.

The Truth sets a person free. Any person who rejects the Truth will perish sooner or later.

Jesus said: "let the dead bury their dead". He was not just speaking of physical death but of spiritual death.

We need to understand that the wages of sin is death. Social policy cannot change that. Inidividuals cannot change that.