There is no way to prove or disprove Climate Change as it takes thousands if not millions of years to verify.
Logically the earth has to be cooling as its core has been losing heat by convection to the surface and into space through the atmosphere. The sun is burning itself up. It cannot be getting hotter. The end of a star is red dwarf where it has lost most of its energy.
Climate Change is nothing more than a Political tool to manipulate Governments , companies and individuals. It is part of the Socialist tool kit for social engineering.
Added 20170228 in response to Bill Nye interview with Tucker Carlsen
Bill used the same argument against people that do not believe man is responsible for Climate Change that I would use against those that believe that climate is changing because of man.
Cognitive dissonance is what is happening with the Climate Change people who originally argued we were experiencing global warming. When years of observation did not prove that to be the case, they changed their argument to be Climate Change.
Climate Change (caused by man) is no more real than the theory of Evolution Theory. It is an idea that provides Political power to change the focus of human effort just as the theory of Evolution Theory has been used politically to change the focus of human faith and morals.
Neither are Science.
Both are satanic in origin.