The Bicycle and the Snake
I had a Dream Just recently where I was riding a bike and I ran over a long snake. The snake got tangled up in my front wheel. I stopped and jumped off the bike. The snake came slithering toward me and before I could run had slithered up my leg. It began to bite me on my back. I felt intense Pain but reached around and grabbed the snake Just below its head. I pulled the snake around where I could look at it. I was clutching so hardly that I knew I would strangle it. Though no Words were spoken I heard the snake`s Thoughts : "you Will Die from my Poison before You strangle me".
I felt very strongly that this Dream was one which God had given me to warn me and prepare me for the challenges that were ahead.
If You have ever ridden a bike You Know the Freedom it gives. The bike rolls so easily and You are Light as a feather. You can go Great distances without tiring. You can go Places on a bike that your feet would Never take you.
I Believe the bike represents the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is given to us to bear us up, to Give us Power , to do more than our Physical Strength would allow, to go where He leads.
We All Know what a snake represents. The encounter Eve had with the serpent is one which we learn about very early in Life. The serpent represents Satan and All he Stands for - lies, Fear and death.
As God has begun to reveal the mysteries of the Kingdom to me through His Word and His Spirit the Enemy has taken notice. While we are Weak , while we are distracted from the Truth , Satan leaves us alone. However, when we begin to Believe God`s Word , Walk in the Spirit and go on the offensive for Christ`s sake, Satan comes against us.
In this Dream God was showing me that when I am in His Spirit and rolling along in Freedom and Joy and Love and Power , Satan Will throw Himself in front of me.
As I mentioned, when I ran over the snake he became entangled with the Spokes in the front wheel. I should have kept riding and he would have been beaten to Death by the rotating wheel and the pavement.
Instead, I stopped the bike and got off. I got in the Flesh because of Fear. I got into a Death struggle with Satan without the Power of the Holy Spirit. He bit me and scoffed at my attempt to strangle him.
As we study Healing and the Power and Love of God directed to His people to Manifest Abundant Life , it is imperative that we See Fear and Doubt as coming from Satan. The Scripture Exhorts us:
neither Give Place to the devil.
Whenever Doubt or Fear enters your Thoughts You must immediately counter them with the Word of God and Trust that the Power of the Holy Spirit Will Manifest Victory. You cannot get off the bike. You cannot successfully Fight the Enemy on foot.
God strengthens us through the Holy Spirit according to His Word :
I can do All things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
If You Need Healing You can Receive it by Faith in Jesus Christ and the stripes He bore for You. You must Believe You are Healed by Faith. You must stop focusing on the symptoms and Focus on the Healer. In due Time the Healing Will Manifest. The symptoms Will disapear.