There is no possibility of unity except in relationship with the Lord.
There may be pacts or treaties that unite people or countries for a while. However, their differences and self-concern will eventually lead to Dis Unity.
We have seen this played out throughout history. World empires have eventually collapsed as they were held together by force, not unity.
America which was formed by different states agreeing on common ground came together to form the United states. The founders knew that for the union to continue it had to minimize the natural forces of Dis Unity and emphasize freedom as the basis for unity.
Today we see freedom being devalued. The result is Dis Unity. We are now obsessed by differences in wealth, race, gender, education and religion. The differences have always been there and always will be in this age of the world.
Freedom comes from Jesus Christ :
If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. |
Our country was formed on the basis of Christianity. Christianity is based on the person of Jesus Christ who gives freedom.
The Dis Unity in our country is of spiritual origin. For us to be united we must individually connect with the Lord who is One. In Him we find unity. All political efforts for unity will eventually fail because of our differences.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus. |
At a purely spiritual level, disunity is especially fatal. The Holy Spirit will not operate in a group where there is Dis Unity.
The Holy Spirit came to a group of people "in one mind and in one accord" . This is another way of saying the group is in unity.
We need to understand our dependence on the Holy Spirit for the power to change things. If we are disunited we prevent the Holy Spirit from accomplishing the Lord`s will.
What is our Lord`s will?
→ That His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
→ That no one should be lost.
→ That every creature be preached to and receive Christ.
Satan is defeated. The enemy in Christianity is us.
We must put down out differences in style and emphasis and unite under the cross of Christ to preach the Gospel - the nearly too good to be true news.
We have to work at it but the reward is manifestation of the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, in our groups, in our churches, in our communities and in our government.
The Power of Partnership Study: