I am totally aware of the arrogance, superiority and elitism on the left.
However, we should treat the left just like we would a spoiled child. You don't antagonize a spoiled child, you simply stand firm in your position as an adult.
As you can see from the temper tantrums being thrown in the metropolitan areas, they have not been told NO for a long time and they are not prepared to handle it.
We should say little but the core truth while they get it out of their system. The political truth is that Trump is going to do his best to make America great again. Implicit in this statement is that we are not currently great. True Americans will eventually get on board with such an admiral goal.
Fear is what is causing a lot of the chaos that we see. This is an opportunity for Christians to move in with the Gospel. We have Peace with God through Jesus Christ. God is our provider and protector. It is a great time for us to begin to Salt the earth with His message.
Put the Na Cl back in the bag.