The left is trying to create chaos in our country. That is their end game.
The Media is Liberal. They are biased at best and manipulative at worst. Don't be deceived by their smiles and sweet demeanor.
As to the KKK , I have not seen a KKK member in my life - at least one that identified as such - no white hoods, no burning crosses. The KKK does exist. but they are fringe and are not numerous enough to give serious attention to.
The Media called Trump Racist , Sexist and maniacal. They are junior 'jerry springers'. It's all about ratings which translates to money. They stopped putting public interest first when they become 24/7 entertainment sources.
Obama initially said "give Trump a chance". He is now encouraging protestors to protest. There is nothing to protest except the election. Trump is not in office so there are no actions for them to protest against.
Do not be deceived. Chaos is a tool the left uses to achieve totalitarianism where socialism/communism will be reality.