[ Created: 2016-11-09 11:16:37  Updated: 2016-11-09 16:30:32 Owner: rl ]
Title: How people make a difference    



The outcome of the 2016 presidential election was the result of people getting motivated to change things.   

Many Prayers were prayed for America.   The Prayers were answered by people going to the polls.   God did not `fix` the Election.   

We are Stewards of the Kingdom of God.   We have the Truth.   We are Salt and Light.   We have the Power of God`s Holy Spirit.   

God has spared us from bearing arms to change America`s Political system.   May God use you to do the Work of Christ so that the Spirit Life from Jesus may spread throughout the land.   

As Trump needed our votes to win the Election , Jesus needs our Witness to win the lost.   

The gates of hell cannot withstand the onslaught of Spirit filled Christians operating in the Authority of God`s Word.   

God bless you in His service!