animals were created to serve man. There is no evidence in the Bible that the Lord's people had pets.
Quite the contrary. animals were used not only for food and work but were used as sacrifices.
Dogs are specifically indicative of things that are excluded from the kingdom.
If Pets are not scriptural then where did the practice of keeping pets come from? no doubt the practice is pagan in origin. It is interesting that Eve talked to a serpent. An animal was used by Satan to deceive a human. Your pet may not talk but if it is distracting you from the things of the Lord it is just as deceiving as the serpent.
Humans do not have an infinite capacity for love. If they are giving and receiving sufficient love from something they often identify objects to direct hatred toward - particularly toward objects that oppose that to which they are giving and receiving love.
Animal lovers want non animal lovers federally prosecuted for animal abuse. This is perverse. animals are for work and food.
Animals are not people and should not be loved. people should be loved as they have infinite potential. animals are not living souls. They have no eternal potential. They are no more important than vegetables in the grand scheme of creation.
The Spiritual, mental and physical health of a society is inversely proportional to the degree of pet worship.
We are to love the Lord with all that we are. To redirect our love away from the Lord to pets brings about spiritual death. To redirect our thoughts from "loving our neighbors as ourselves" to loving pets results in mental illness. To share bodily fluids with pets is to invite illness and disease into our bodies.
If you don't have a pet, don't get one. Find a human to befriend. If you have a pet, when it dies don't get another one. Find a human to befriend.
Worship the Lord and love your neighbor.