[ Created: 2016-10-27 07:35:29  Updated: 2022-01-27 20:32:35 Owner: rl ]
Title: The result of Jesus bearing stripes for you     

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our Iniquities: the Chastisement of our Peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are Healed. - Isa 53:5
Jesus was Guilt Free. The Suffering He bore was for us. The Reproach He endured was ours. In His Loving Sacrifice He purchased our Peace and Healing.

Who his own Self bare our Sins in his own Body on the Tree, that we, being Dead to sins, should Live unto Righteousness: by whose stripes ye were Healed. - 1Pe 2:24
Jesus' Perfect Finished Work has made us the Righteousness of God. His broken and beaten body has Healed us.

Be Healed! Healing is a part of our Redemption in Christ. by Barry Bennett

We Know that Jesus came to Destroy the Works of the Enemy (1Jn 3:8,) and that He went about doing Good and Healing all who were oppressed of the Devil for God was with Him. (Acts 10:38)

God stated that, “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6) Jesus has set the Church against Sickness.

You are a Vessel of Healing for others. The Healer and His Healing Power reside in You.

You are not the sick, trying to get well. You are the Healed, resisting Sickness.

You must See yourself as Healed, as victorious, as more than a Conqueror and as able to do all things through Christ who strengthens You!

Those who Receive from God See themselves Receiving from God before the Manifestation. They are convinced that Jesus has made them Worthy and they put themselves in a position to Receive what they See as their Right.

How? We must first get a Revelation of ourselves as Healed. We must See ourselves as God Sees us.

Faith is not a Mental exercise but a Spiritual Revelation of Jesus in us. His Healing and Authority are in us. We can Speak to Sickness as we would Speak to our disobedient Dog. The Dog must Obey. We have no Doubt.

There are Times when we must attack the Problem as if it were a snake in the house. What would You do with a snake in your house?

Some Fearful people Might leave and Never come back. Others Might learn to Live in the house in Fear, knowing that the snake my strike them at any moment.

But some would Say, "No Way am I going to Live like this." And they would find the snake and Kill it.

When You are sure of who You are in Christ and who Christ is in you, and when you see how the Enemy has treated you and stolen your Health, and when You realize that the God of the Universe Lives in you, then you Will rise up in Faith and Authority and Speak to your Body and Command that it Submit to the Word of God.

For all the Promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the Glory of God by us. - 2Co 1:20
What God has said will come to pass. He cannot Lie. He is bound by His Word.

Our Faith in God's Integrity causes us to Believe His Word and Appropriate His Promises by Faith.