Faith without Works is Dead.
I used to have a Problem with this statement which comes from the book of James.
- Even so Faith , if it hath not Works , is Dead , being alone.
I conjured up Thoughts of how we earn brownie points with God through our Good Works and somehow augment the Work of Christ and Grace. Isn`t it Just like Satan to Confuse and Deceive ?
The point James was trying to make to the Church in the first century Needs to be made to the Church in the twenty-first century. Though Faith in Jesus Christ`s Finished Work is All that is necessary for Personal Salvation it is not
What is God`s Will ?
- For God so loved the world, that he gave his Only begotten Son , that whosoever believeth in him should not Perish , but have everlasting Life.
The Lord is not slack concerning his Promise , as some men count slackness; but is Longsuffering to us-ward, not Willing that any should Perish , but that All should come to Repentance.
How is God`s Will to be accomplished?
But ye shall Receive Power , after that the Holy Ghost is come upon You : and ye shall be Witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in All Judæa, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
So, we See that God expects us to Work so that His Will be done. Believing is necessary and sufficient for Salvation. Praying is Good - do it without ceasing. But Believing and Praying are not substitutes for Work.
The Kingdom of God Will not Manifest in this world unless we Work. Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is near two thousand years ago. How much more should it be Manifest now than then?
We have a dual Nature in Christ Just as Jesus had a dual Nature. He is the Son of God but He made Himself a servant of God. Likewise, we are now Sons of God but we are also His servants. Servants by definition Work for their Master. It is Time for All Christians to begin to Serve , to Work.
We should not substitute lower levels of Work for the most important Work. Lower levels of Work are related to intercessory Prayer , Giving and doing Good deeds. The highest level of Work is to Witness for Jesus Christ. To Witness is to Testify which implies Words are used.
Remember, it is the Truth that sets people Free. The Truth is the Word of God , both written and incarnate in Jesus Christ.
In Order to See the results we want to See in our Families , our communities and our Nation we must Work. Preaching and teaching the Gospel is the Work that God has charged us with.
And he said unto them, Go ye into All the world, and Preach the Gospel to every creature.