[ Created: 2016-10-25 08:39:14  Updated: 2016-10-25 12:40:20 Owner: rl ]
Title: An elitist who suppresses opposition - Fascism    



References (43) to Fascist
Fascism Dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society
Fascist An elitist who suppresses opposition - Fascism
America Destroyed America has been destroyed.     Will she rise again?
ANTIFA Anti Fascism ?
Bureaucratic Elitism Government agencies enforcing their values on the people
Corporate Fascism Business and Government Fascism
Corrective Law Short term law to correct a specific evil
Death Of Truth And Justice The American Court System has failed the people.
Delegitimize To strip of legal standing
10  D H H Sdissolution Social engineering through health policy
11  Dominionism A Conviction that Christians ought to Rule the Nations of the World
12  Election 2022 Results Faith in man in the face of his failures
13  Elitist A person who believes they are better than others
14  Government Fascism Fascism in Government
15  Guilty Proven worthy of condemnation - Guilt
16  Hate Crime An attack on the freedoms of thought and speach
17  Historical Fascism Historical Fascism
18  Hitler He wasn't such a bad guy after all, was he?
19  Homosexuality Bondage to Homosexual lifestyle
20  Human Love Love that issues from the Soul of man
21  Johnson Amendment No political endorsements from pulpit
22  Liberal World Order Antichrist Kingdom in modern lingo
23  Mark Of The Beast The number, name or mark of the Beast of Revelation
24  Masker A person who believes in Masks
25  Mask Shame Shaming a person wrt to being a Masker or a Maskist
26  Media Subscription Support Cable, satellite, Internet media subscriptions
27  Noise Pollution Bad Music and lyrics
28  Perverse Obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable
29  Propaganda Protector An entity which serves as editor or censor to promote Propaganda
30  Public Opinion What the majority seems to think - what is popular
31  Regulation Controlling Behavior ny Rule and Law
32  Revolution I I The Second American Revolution
33  Sayings Sayings by RL
34  Scribes Pharisees And Hypocrites Enemies of Truth
35  Secession The act of leaving a group and breaking ties
36  Smart Or Afraid Are you being smart or just afraid?
37  Socialist Education Public Education the Socialist incubator
38  The System The man made System that controls
39  Threeheadedserpent Fear mongering, Fascism and Fraud
40  Trust The Science The mantra of a Fascist Secular Humanist
41  Vietnam War What was it all about?
42  World War I I I Will there be a third World War?
43  You Tube A Fascist video cloud owned by Google