[ Created: 2016-10-23 18:39:45  Updated: 2020-07-08 15:41:39 Owner: rl ]
Title: Cable, satellite, Internet media subscriptions    


Media Subscription Support

Are you an accessory?   

Are you an enabler?   

If you are paying a subscription for cable, satellite or internet media access you are financially supporting anti-American, socialistic, fascist organizations.   

Regardless of what your personal sins are, this is the biggest one.   The biased coverage of individuals and situations is so blatant that it has become disgusting.   

The Media is in bed with the Democratic Socialist Party.   It ignores the flaws of the democratic platform and it's candidates.   It gives air time to people who should be in jail.   

It blows out of proportion any issue involving candidates it does not support and it ignores their positive platform.   The same goes for any group or cause it does not support.   

The Media has a right to do this in America although it is immoral.   You have a right to turn your financial support off in protest.   In not doing so you are complicit in their wrong-doings.   

For the sake of your own mind and the minds of your fellow-Americans vote with your pocket-book.   Cancel your subscription.   

P.S.   You'll also save some serious bucks each month.