muslim countries have notoriously been inhospitable to other muslim people in need. Why is it that the palestinian people have Not been absorbed into neighboring muslim states? why is it that they fight among themselves?
There is something fundamentally wrong with muslims. It's islam. As long as a person is muslim they have the seed of war in them. A person cannot be healed until the root of their disease is eradicated.
The Left believes that All societal problems stem from environment - that if You change a persons environment they will change. This is false. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Wherever a person goes there they are. The heart must be changed. Islam must give way to Christ for the individual to be cure.
Bringing sick people in among healthy people does Not make the sick healthy. Rather the healthy become sick.
The Left does Not care about the health of the people. As a matter of fact the sicker they are the more they 'need' the government.
20231028 update
Yesterday around 4:00 PM my wife and I were on 421 in Wilmington headed to hwy 40 and home when there was a massive stop and go slowdown. It turns out that there was no accident but a crowd of pro-Palestinian protesters on the sidewalk which traffic was unsure of.
Folks, it is about to get real. Obama and Biden have been allowing if not encouraging enemies of America and Christ Jesus into this country.
You better be prepared to run over such protesters considering them suicide cases who determine that their right to protest supercedes your personal rights. They believe that Allah expects them to kill the infidels (you and me).
They do these things to test our will. If we are willing they will take over.