God gave light to America through Jesus Christ in the lives of its founders. Other Christian nations in the world (western civilization) shared that light to a lesser extent.
Western civilization brought education, security, prosperity to the world. Rather than doing what Christ commanded us - to go into all the world and preach the Gospel - we somehow thought that you could negotiate with darkness. Hence the United Nations was formed.
We all know that light and darkness do not mix. Light will displace darkness. The only way for darkness to exist is for the light to be turned off. So, as the United nations moves forward we will see the light turned off to accommodate darkness.
Jesus is the Light of the world. There is no other way to God than through Him.
What has this got to do with politics?
Everything! Politics is a manifestation of spiritual values. You cannot separate the two.
The world is not complex. All people are basically the same. Jesus Christ is the answer for all people and all problems.
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