# | Item | Description |
1 | Success | Achievement , Prosperity |
2 | | This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. |
3 | 1 - False Teaching | The Root of False Teaching |
4 | 1 - Staying Full Of God | Staying Full Of God |
5 | 13 - Education Prayer | A prayer regarding Education |
6 | 2 - A Place Called' There' | A Place Called 'There' |
7 | 2 - Where Am I From | Where Did I Come From |
8 | 21st Century Witchcraft | 21st Century Witchcraft |
9 | 3 - Power Of A Testimony | Power Of A Testimony |
10 | 4 - Godly Fear | The Fear of the Lord |
11 | 4 - Harnessing Emotions | Harnessing Your Emotions |
12 | 4 - Psychology Versus Christianity | Psychology vs. Christianity |
13 | 5 - Decisions→ Destiny | Decisions Determine Destiny |
14 | 5 - Divine Healing | Divine Healing |
15 | 5 - Financial Stewardship 2 | Financial Stewardship: The Practical Side |
16 | 5 - Secrets To Happiness | Paul's Secrets To Happiness |
17 | 6 - Lessons From Joseph | School of hard knocks |
18 | America - June - 2022 | Status update |
19 | America Decline | Why America is not great |
20 | American Disunity | The source of and solution for American Disunity |
21 | Anti Prosperity | You don't believe in that " Prosperity Gospel"? |
22 | Assignment | A task for which an authority has placed responsibility upon a subordinate for completion |
23 | Bailout | Throwing good money at bad |
24 | Barak Husein Obama | Barak Husein 'Osama islama' Obama |
25 | Belial | The Devil - Satan |
26 | Black Culture | What has held black people back - it is not Racism |
27 | Boldly | In a confident, strong, courageous manner - Bold |
28 | Brainwashed | Successfully subjected to Brainwash |
29 | Calvinism | See TULIP |
30 | Cam Center Line | Importance of cam center line to performance |
31 | Capitol | Used as a Church |
32 | Casting Down Imaginations | Destroying false ideas, philosphies and religions |
33 | Chaos | Complete disorder and Confusion |
34 | Collective | A group of connected individuals projecting a group identify |
35 | Constitution Catechism | Arthur Standburry Constitution Catechism |
36 | Contagion | Communication of disease by close contact |
37 | Corona Experts | The failure of our experts is in our face |
38 | Covert 19 | Using COVID-19 to subvert and destroy America |
39 | Curriculum | A plan for preparing students for success |
40 | Deceived | Convinced that a Lie is the Truth |
41 | Defense | Warding off the attacks of the Enemy |
42 | Delegitimize | To strip of legal standing |
43 | D E M O 1_04 - Relationship With God | Relationship With God |
44 | Demon Possessed | Suffering submission to the control of a Demon |
45 | Enable | Give authority or means to do something |
46 | End Game | That part of a contest which accomplishes the goal of the contest |
47 | Exit Strategy | A plan to weasel your way out of something you should never have gotten into |
48 | Faith Or Fate | Do you live by Faith or Fate ? |
49 | Faith Or Rebellion | Success comes by Faith and Destruction by Rebellion |
50 | Fatalism | The belief that all events are predetermined and therefore inevitable. |
51 | Favor | Kindness and Blessing |
52 | Federalist Papers | 85 essays by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison from 10/1787 - 5/1788 |
53 | Firewall | Something that acts as a shield against something destructive |
54 | Focus | To give full attention to something |
55 | Future | The Provision of God for tomorrow |
56 | Getting On Board | Committing to a path and destination |
57 | God Is Not Cyrano | Who is our Creator? |
58 | Greek Philosophy | Greek philosphy and philosophers |
59 | H.R.610 | Reducing the power of the Department of Education |
60 | HCQ | Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin or doxycycline, and zinc |
61 | Healing - Faithand Power | Your Spirit and the Holy Spirit in Unity |
62 | Heart | The seat of our emotions, our consciousness, who we manifest |
63 | His Thoughts | God's Thoughts About You |
64 | Historical Fascism | Historical Fascism |
65 | Hoax | A plan accomplished by deception |
66 | Homelessness | The Spiritual state of not wanting to settle down and work |
67 | H S_ 5th Grade | Home school materials for 5th grade |
68 | Human Effort | Man trying to do things independent of God |
69 | Humanitarian | Only Individuals can be Humanitarians |
70 | Idea | A thought for a possible course of action |
71 | Illuminati | Atheistic, Secular Humanist organizations |
72 | Increase | Become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree |
73 | Lawlessness | A spirit of rebellion against law and order |
74 | Leaven, Leanings, Leavesand Lamentations | As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. |
75 | Love At First Sight | A superficial infatuation without the depth of knowledge |
76 | Magnify | To enlarge |
77 | Management | Directing an enterprise |
78 | Meek Cop | An officer of the law who is unable to act authoritatively |
79 | Meekness | Not Arrogant or self-serving |
80 | MLK | Martin Luther King, Jr. |
81 | Muhammad | Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn Abd Allāh ibn Abd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim |
82 | Music | Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony and rhythm |
83 | Political Tyrant | A person or clique in Government which effectively controls the Government against the people |
84 | Prosperity | Success, profitability, affluence, wealth, opulence, luxury, ease, plenty, comfort, security, well-being |
85 | Prosperity Gospel | Defending the Good News of Abundant Life on Earth |
86 | Psychiatry | Medical treatment of the soul |
87 | Quotations | Sayings related to Faith |
88 | Red Herring | Misdirection away from the crimes of Clinton and Obama |
89 | Rehearsal | Mentally preparing or reciting |
90 | Religion And Politics | Separate or inseparable? |
91 | Resentment | Bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly |
92 | Respect | A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements |
93 | Rule Of Law | The concept that governance can be successful via laws |
94 | SAT | Supernatural Aptitude Test |
95 | Sayer | Program to select a saying randomly and present it |
96 | Securitycheckpoints | Security checkpoints - how much is enough? |
97 | Seed | A unit of reproduction, capable of developing into a mature entity |
98 | Self Will | Autonomy |
99 | Shia | Ali succession to Muhammad |
100 | Shoulder Chip | Having a chip on your shoulder |
101 | Shut Down Idiocy | The unbelievable idiocy of shutting down the Economy |
102 | Sign | Someting that signifies or validates |
103 | Slavery | Under the control of an owner - not Free |
104 | Socialism | The god and Political arm of the Religion of Secular Humanism |
105 | Solidarity | Agreement with and support for the members of a political group |
106 | Strip Tags | Copy source code from sites which block copy operations and view it here so that you can copy it |
107 | Sunni | Abu Bakr succession to Muhammad |
108 | Superstition | An irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome. |
109 | Supreme Court | The protector of the Constitution |
110 | Thanksgiving | Giving thanks to the giver |
111 | Theocracy | A Government where 'god' has Authority |
112 | The Trip | Traveling from one place to another |
113 | Valueof Education | Character or information? |
114 | What Percentage? | What the reality is opposed to perception |
115 | Word | The written Word Of The Lord and the Incarnate Word - Jesus |
116 | Word Hijacking | Using good words to mask evil intentions |
117 | Word Promise | The Promises of God |