[ Created: 2023-09-10 14:02:00  Updated: 2023-09-10 14:22:21 Owner: rl ]
Title: Covid19 was a a contrived phenomena existing only in our minds    



This is not to say there was no virus.   As we know viruses show up every year and every year people die from them.   

But Covid19 was intentionally personified by the NIH and Big Pharma.   It was given a life, a presence and a power that greatly exceeded anything before.   
    Death models were constructed.   
    Fear was manufactured and distributed.   
    Government policy was shaped to reinforce its personality.   
    Media propagandized the story line.   
    Corporation heads bowed and then forced their employees to bow.   

Notice that I used the religious, 'bowed', to characterize what happened In purely spiritual terms, man created him a god and called him, COVID.   

He then worshipped this god of destruction.   

Just as is the case with witchcraft and voodoo, those that believe in it are affected by it.   

Faith is a powerful thing - even if it is in things that are not real.   

Fear is a powerful thing - even if there is no justification for it.   

When I use the term Covid Illusion I am speaking of the false god of COVID and the religious trappings that were raised around it.   

Even many Christians and Christian leaders fell down and worshipped this false god.   

The sad truth is that the west's departure from the True and Living God whose name is Jesus, left it wide open for Satan to move in with the same gods he had used to deceive people thousands of years ago.   

There is only one God and His name is Jesus.   

There is only one enemy and His name is Satan.   

We will either draw near to Christ Jesus or we will drift into the clutches of Satan.   This is true for individuals and nations.   

The effects of the Covid Illusion were real.   

My prayer is that we never again fall under the spell of Satan who comes to steal, kill and destroy.   

Our only protection against deception is the Truth.   We will either worship the Truth or we will worship a lie.   
Jesus says unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.
Jesus is the Holy Spirit in flesh.     It is necessary to believe this about Jesus in order to be Born Again of the Holy Spirit.     Those who reject Jesus, reject the Holy Spirit.     
    He is the Way: Jesus is the path to our Creator.     
    He is the Truth: Jesus is the Truth about our Creator
    He is the Life: Jesus is the Creator by His Holy Spirit who fills us giving us life.     

As disciples of Christ we must share this Gospel Truth with everyone in our lives.     

It will either be a testimony for them leading to Eternal Life with Christ or a testimony against them in The Judgment leading to Eternal Death in the Lake Of Fire.     

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
To know the Truth means that we have:
    Heard it
    Believed it
    Received it
    Doing it

See He Be Re Do.