[ Created: 2016-10-06 22:05:40  Updated: 2019-03-16 12:51:17 Owner: rl ]
Title: To sense sound via auditory system    



Reading the Word is Good.   Hearing the Word is better.   
So then Faith cometh by Hearing , and Hearing by the Word of God.   
The Word must be in our Minds and Hearts.    Read the Word out loud.   Speak it to activate the Power of it.   

"Be careful little Ears what You hear."

If You are exposing yourself to Lies , You Will eventually be Deceived.   This is Why there is such a rift in our Society.   The last 2 generations of Americans have been taught Socialism.   

Who is a Liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ ?   He is Anti Christ , that denieth the Father and the Son.   

Do You realize how many people this verse identifies as Liars ?   

If You try to agree with a Liar , You can do nothing but become one too.   

Our Job is to Preach the Gospel of Christ Jesus to every person.   To Convert them from Lies to the Truth.   

Remember, it is the Truth that sets us Free.   

Barry Bennett: How is Your Hearing ?   

Did You Know that You can measure what You Hear ?   We Choose what we Give attention to and what we Hear.   Jesus admonished us to take heed concerning what we hear.   

Then He said to them, “Take heed what You Hear.   With the same measure You use, it Will be measured to You ; and to You who Hear , more Will be given.   For whoever has, to him more Will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has Will be taken away from him.” ( ( )

In other Words we are to be careful, attentive and mindful of what we Hear.   Why ?   If we are Hearing the Word of God and the Spirit of God , more Revelation Will be given to us.   What we measure to ourselves in the Realm of Hearing determines how much more we can Receive from God , or if we Will Lose even what we had!   

Some Choose to Give heed to the voices of the world, the philosophies of the world and the Doubts and Fears of the world.   They are measuring Unbelief unto themselves.   They are not evaluating the voices of the world by the Word , but rather are evaluating the Word by the voices of the world.   

I have known some who once were Strong in Faith , full of Revelation and excited about laboring in the fields of the world.   But as Time passed, they changed.   The energy diminished, doctrinal Clarity was Lost and Doubts filled their hearts.   What happened?   They had ceased to ‘take heed’ to what they were Hearing.   They were no longer Hearing from God.   Even the Revelation they had was gone.   Some have Fallen into Grave error.   

For the Hearts of this people have grown dull.   Their Ears are hard of Hearing , And their Eyes they have closed, Lest they should See with their Eyes and Hear with their ears, Lest they should Understand with their Hearts and turn, So that I should Heal them.’ ( ( )

We Know that Faith comes by Hearing ( ( ).   You can Know what You are Hearing and how much of it You are Hearing by looking at your Faith.   Strong Faith is the result of Hearing God.   Weak Faith , passivity and Spiritual dullness are the results of Hearing the world.   The world has many voices.   Take heed to what You Hear.   For whoever has, to him more Will be given.