We are created in the Image of God. It is God's intention that we be like Him .
When Adam sinned he lost the likeness of God. His son Seth was born in Adam's image. Every natural child of man since then has been born in the image of man.
Christ came that we my be born again in the Image of God. In Christ (new birth) we are now Sons of God. As Sons we should be like Him, i.e. manifest His Image. How do we do that?
God is a Spirit. We are made Spirit beings in the new birth. We are instructed to walk in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit manifests the Image (character) of God. The Holy Spirit operates on God's Word to manifest or teach us about Christ. When we feed on the Word the Holy Spirit empowers our spirit to change the way we live (walk). We cease living by physical and emotional feelings and begin to love by what God says in His Word .
Out of our Image comes our Identity which produces our Authority.