[ Created: 2019-11-09 00:31:40  Updated: 2021-12-07 08:15:02 Owner: rl ]
Title: That which conflicts with the character of God    



Evil is the result of the inspiration of Satan who is our Enemy.   Satan Hates God and so he Hates His Creation.   

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
The thief is Satan who is the inspiration for all the evil in the world.     
Whereas the `I` is Jesus who offers us Eternal Life and Abundant Life.     

This verse is a powerful statement contrasting the nature of the enemy with the nature of our Lord Jesus Christ.     

Note that the enemy takes by force what is ours, while we must appropriate by faith what is ours in Christ Jesus.     
The appropriation is not a `one and done` thing.     Rather, it is an ongoing process throughout our lives on this earth.     

Jesus has given us His life in giving us His Holy Spirit who is in every believer who has asked to be filled.     We aught to invoke His life into every aspect of our walk in the earth.

The above verse tells us where all Evil comes from and it tells us where all Good comes from.   

Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.
Follow peace with all men.     Walk in wisdom and make good choices.

The above verse tells us that the choice is up to us whether we will operate in Evil or operate in Good.   

Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
What is evil?     
    Anything that conflicts with the Will Of God .     

What is the Will Of God?     
    That no one perishes .     

What does perish mean?     
    To suffer aspects of loss, suffering and death .     

What is good?     
    Our Lord who is Holy Spirit and Word

Christ came to destroy the works of the devil

We are to continue the work of Christ .     
    We are made Sons Of God by His Holy Spirit in us .     
    We are to function as super conquerors on His authority in His power .     
    We are to never submit to the attacks of Satan against us or anyone to whom we have access .     
    We are to give no place for the enemy to occupy .     

This verse is not telling us
    to just be nice,
    to be passive,
    to endure the attacks of the enemy,
    to simply wait for the return of Christ.     

Only persecution for the cause of Christ should be endured.     

Injustice and wickedness should be fought against with every resource available.

The above verse tells us that we can Overcome Evil.   Those who choose Good (God) have Power to destroy the effects of Evil.   This comes by the Power of the Holy Spirit in the Authority of the Word.   

Evil causes Stupidity.   

That is Why the Bible uses the term " Darkness " to express what happens to a person who rejects the Gospel.   

Essentially all they Know becomes irrelevant as to how they function much like a person trying to describe what is in a room and trying to Navigate the room when there is no Light in the room.   

Such a person misidentifies objects, they bump into things and often injure themselves.   It`s as if they are Stupid.   

Here is a Way You can Know who is fundamentally Good or fundamentally Evil.   Assume they are fundamentally Good.   Then Ask these questions:

1.   Do You Believe in God?   (if No, stop here, the person is a fool)

2.   Do You Believe there is a Devil?   (if No, stop here, the person is Deceived and so being manipulated by the devil)

3.   Do You Believe that America is a Christian Nation?   (if No, stop here, the person has been taught False history)

4.   Do You Believe in the Constitution as it exists now?   (if No, stop here, the person is an Enemy of America)

5.   Do You Believe that Law should apply to all people equally?   (if not, stop here, the person is an elitist)

6.   Do You Believe theft by the Government (taxation) is Evil?   (if No, stop here, the person is an un American socialist)

7.   Do You distrust all forms of Government?   (if No, stop here, the person does not recognize that Government is operated by fallable, Corrupt humans)

8.   Do You accept unfairness as part of Life?   (if No, stop here, the person does not Understand that every person has a different version of what is fair)

9.   Do You Believe in Personal Responsibility and accountability?   (if No, stop here, the person is an untrustworthy leech)

10.   Do You Believe that only God can fix what is Wrong with us?   (if No, stop here, the person is Deluded, trusting in the untrustworthy)

if the answer to all of the above is "yes" your original assumption is correct.   If any of their answers are "no" they are Evil in one or more of their fundamentals.   

This is not to Say the person has no redeeming qualities.   It is simply an acknowledgement that, at the least, the Seeds of Destruction are in them and they may in Fact already be voting for Godless un Americans who are and will continue to Work to Destroy America and the Kingdom of God.