Whenever a liberal is indicted for their inappropriate behavior by a conservative, they call the conservative Mean-Spirited .
God gave the 10 Comandments to indict all of us of Sin . Does this mean God is Mean-Spirited ? When a parent corrects a child for misbehavior is the parent being Mean-Spirited ? When a traffic cop tickets a motorist for speeding, is the cop being Mean-Spirited ?
The desire to justify ourselves and our behavior is a basic characteristic of man because of Sin and the resultant guilt. We try to escape the guilt by self-justification. Self-Justification requires us to criticize anyone who would criticize our self-justification. This is all part of a self-delusional lifestyle.
The solution to this problem is found in Christ Jesus who forgives Sin , changes us to a new creature and empowers us to live above Sin .