[ Created: 2016-09-28 18:25:08  Updated: 2024-03-12 22:28:02 Owner: rl ]
Title: Joel Osteen on homosexuality    



Joel Osteen: “It doesn’t matter who likes you or who doesn’t like you, all that matters is God likes you.   He accepts you, he approves of you.”

Josh Zepps: " Does that include Homosexuals ?"

Joel Osteen: "Absolutely."

The issue with Homosexuality in particular is that LGBTQ has worked to elevate it to repectability.   According to the Bible (and common sense) Homosexuality has never been and never will be respectable.   

Christ died for ALL Sin for ALL time.   What separates anyone from God is not Sin but rejection of Jesus Christ (who is God ).   

Can a Homosexual be Saved ?   Yes.   

Can a Saved Homosexual justify their Homosexuality ?   No.   

So, a Saved Homosexual must ask God to deliver them from this Sin.   

A Homosexual who claims Christ and defends their Homosexuality has made their lifestyle Lord and not Christ.   

Joel has a Ministry which magnifies God.   He refuses to make broad negative statements which serve to drive people away from God rather than to Him.   He believes that any person who comes to God through Christ will be Transformed by the new Creature.   In other words, he will let God clean them up.   

Jesus never judged a person based on their sinfulness.   He judged them by their Faith in Him.   Once He met their need He told them to go and Sin no more.   

Please don`t be so hard on Joel. He, after all, is another man`s servant.