It was the spread of Christianity that turned Europe from barbarism and despotism. The concept of freedom and respect for the rights of others came directly from Christ Jesus. These concepts provided the foundation for a cohesive, productive society to arise providing continuity from generation to generation.
While the rest of the world languished in cyclical wars (destroying and requiring rebuilding), Europe began to move forward and upward.
The result was Western Civilization.
It is entirely correct to say that Europeans repented of barbariam and despotism turning toward a Christ-based view of government and society.
History has a way of showing us the pendulum of power. No group holds power indefinitely. Eventually forces arise which topple the group in power and sets up a new group in power.
It is time we realize that there are forces trying to topple Western Civilization. These forces take different forms but they are all enemies of a healthy, cohesive, productive society.
We are all aware of the intent of radical Islam - to destroy Israel and the U.S. and dominate the world via Islamic sharia law.
We are beginning to understand that black equality is morphing into black supremacy (NAACP, BLM, rioting across the country). The end game of these organizations and the left which supports them is black power.
The democratic party in particular has been hard at work destroying the Constitution for some time now.
→ Pro-choice has been used to kill 60 million unborn children denying them the God given right to life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
→ LGBTQ propaganda has led to hate speech legislation which will result in repeal of 1st amendment.
→ Fear from the left of revolution is leading them toward repeal of the 2nd amendment. The Constitution is what ensures freedom, a basic concept in Western Civilization not found in other Cultures.
→ Failure to enforce immigration laws while importing undocumented people from non-western cultures is working to dilute the western culture. We even think that multi-culturalism is a good thing. It is not.
Those Cultures that people emigrate from are the cause of their emigration. If they bring their culture with them, they will end up polluting that which is good in Western Civilization.
→ The educational system funded by liberals has been rewriting history and brainwashing young people to disrepect America and support destructive policies against Western Civilization.
This is an intentional attack against Western Civilization.
The question is, why?
The answer is simple: They have turned away from the God from whom the principles of freedom, equality, responsibility and accountabilty issue.
Such reject trust in God in favor of trust in man.
And so we hear the term `build back better`.
Some group is always going to be in charge. In America it is supposed to be the majority. But minority interests have been driving most policy for 60 years. We are at a crossroads.
If we do not return to Western Civilization values and demand that all citizens honor those values, we will eventually cease to exist as a society.
→ Rioting will gravitate to confrontations.
→ Confrontations will result in martial law.
→ Martial law will result in totalitarianism.
→ Totalitarianism will result in loss of freedom, initiative and hope.
→ Western Civilization will he dead.
How do we avoid this total collapse?
We must repent just as the early European believers did.