Changing of the mind - see Repent    
Both John the Baptist and Jesus came preaching Repentance.   

To Repent is to change.   No change, no Repentance, no Salvation.   

Change in what way?   Every way!   

Repentance starts in your Mind.   
You hear the Word, the Gospel, and the Holy Spirit convinces you of its Truth.   
You Believe in Jesus.   
You realize that your thinking, your talking and your acting is all wrong.   
You willingly decide to change and so your Heart Repents.   

Repentance above all things is a turning toward God and away from self.   In that turning away from self and to Christ Jesus you are Born Again.   You become a New Creature.   

Without Repentance there is no Salvation.   Jesus made this clear to Nicodemus and, in so doing, to us all.   

God gives human beings their value.   Without God we are just brute Beasts.   

Education, credentials, etc.   add nothing to our value to God.   They simply feed our Pride and separate us from the uneducated and unaccredited.   

Education and credentials are temporal.   They pass from us at Death.   

Only what we have become in the Spirit will go into Eternity.   

Those who are born of God to Eternal Life.   

Those who have rejected His gift to Eternal Damnation.   

The Fear, Hate and Violence that is raging in our land is a signal of Spiritual Disease.   

It is evidence that we need to turn to God for the Eternal, Abundant Life that Christ Jesus has provided.   

It is time to Repent!