Some people produce Wealth.
Some people consume Wealth.
Abundance is the result of the producers.
Poverty is the result of the consumers.
Which are you?
Christ Jesus came to Give us Abundant , Eternal Life.
If we are not experiencing Abundant Life we are in Disobedience.
Jesus commanded us to be Seed Sowers.
The most important Seed is the Gospel.
But, the Gospel is not the Only Seed.
We are to Invest ourselves and our resources to produce Wealth.
The Reason is obvious. You cannot be a Blessing until You are Blessed.
You Will not Reap unless You Sow.
Without a Harvest there is Poverty.
Christians are to be Workers. They are to be Producers.
Workers Receive Wages. Producers generate Produce. Wages and Produce are Wealth.
2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with You , this we commanded You , that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
Why is the Scripture hard on the Issue of Work ?
Because if the Law of Seedtime and Harvest.
A person who Will not Work is in violation of this fundamental Law of Creation.
Christians should not be in the Business of encouraging and Enabling those who violate this Law.
Anyone who Fights against God Will be crushed by their own Foolishness.
Galatians 6:7
Be not Deceived ; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also Reap.