The 2016 election will profoundly affect the application of the first amendment by the federal government.
The passing of hate crime legislation was the first blow for the purpose of taking away first amendment rights.
Satan is using Islam to leverage the government against religion. Whereas Christianity has been the foundation of our country and all that is good in it, Islam represents all that is bad about religion.
Satan hates humanity. Muslims are already in his clutches as they deny the Deity of Jesus Christ. Christians can only be affected by persecution. So, he uses Islam to undermine the non-Christian's trust of religion. Ultimately religion will be abolished because it is deemed to negatively affect society.
The radical left already lumps all religions together. This election will represent a mandate for them to move forward with eradicating religious influence in this country should Hillary win. This will result is persecution toward professing Christians. The way to avoid persecution will be to stop professing. The result of not professing is that Christ will deny you before the Father.
So, all other issues aside, we see that religious liberty is at stake and that should determine how we vote.