[ Created: 2016-08-09 18:58:52  Updated: 2016-10-17 23:54:00 Owner: rl ]
Title: 2016 Presidential Election    



Anyone who thinks this is a "pick the prettiest candidate" election is pretty much deluded.   The left is moving us as quickly as possible to communism.   

The 1st and 2nd amendments are under attack by the left.   If Hillary is elected more hate crime legislation (unconstitutional) will come down forcing political correctness on all Americans, denying Religious Liberty.   Rank and file Americans will be made outlaws by new gun laws.   

The economy is dying as fewer and fewer people are in the work force.   More federal jobs is not the answer because these jobs are paid from taxes.   The 20trillion dollar debt will continue to rise without tax reduction, reduced entitlements and more people in the private sector work force.   

For many years the left has been using tax dollars to buy votes from the weak-minded.   

Mitt Romney knew that 47% of the votes in this country were already bought and paid for by the left.   It`s probably closer to 50% now.   When the other 50% realizes there is no hope for the working class, only more taxation, they will stop work also and get paid to vote like the other 50%.   This may take a while but it is inevitable.   

Obviously, if no one is working, there are no products or services.   Having a check when there is no product or service to be bought is inflation.   No food in the grocery stores leads to riots, riots lead to more America.   

That`s just on the economic front.   

The left is destroying confidence in local law enforcement.   The purpose is to declare martial law.   The purpose of martial law is to force compliance.   Compliance to what?   The religion of the left which is secular humanism.   What`s wrong with that?   Political correctness rather than freedom of speech, abortion rather than life, no freedom of religion, no right to bear arms, no right to due process.   

Why are we allowing militant Islamic radicals into this country?   To speed up the timetable for declaring martial law.   

Why are we opening our borders to illegals?   To speed up the timetable for martial law as Hispanics with no allegiance to the U.S.   mass in numbers that cannot be contained by local law enforcement.   

Look folks, we can`t all just get along when the foundation of our beliefs and principles are so much at odds.   (see Mars Attacks).   

If you believe in the Constitution you are one side.   If you believe there is a "better way" ala Executive and court orders to circumvent the Constitution, you are on the other side.   

It`s an oil and water thing.   

One more thing...   

What is America today?   

  1. Weak (not just militarily but in character)
  2. Murderers (over 50 million unborn children since Roe v Wade)
  3. Immoral (the left has the lyingest candidate in history and they don`t care, we honor perversion/homosexuality)
  4. We are a ME people (it`s me and my stuff, the rest can go to hell)
  5. Entertainment is mostly garbage/filth
  6. Sports hero`s are often jerks who dishonor America
  7. We call people of faith bigots, racist, homophobes, etc.   
  8. News media is biased and manipulating.   

Until you look in the mirror you don`t see the mess you are.   Until you recognize you are going in the wrong direction you won`t turn around.   

America has been great.   It is not great now in any collective sense.   The ONLY reason this country has not already collapsed on itself is the Christians who are still working and still believing.   If the left wins this fall, the destruction of the very fabric which supports this country will likely come quickly.   And then...   


P.S.   Don`t kid yourself, a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Hillary.