    [ Created: 2016-07-27 09:37:42  Updated: 2021-07-05 15:25:25   Owner: rl ]
Title: For what reason or purpose    

Why did God:

Create the Universe ? To show His Power and Glory. Psm 19:1 Psm 97:6 Create man? To raise up Children in His Image. Gen 1:26 Heb 2:10 Create You? You are unique and God Loves variety. Rom 8:29 Allow Sin? It was the risk associated with the Gift of SelfWill. Gen 2:9 Deu 30:19 1Jn 5:12 Send Jesus? To Reconcile all things. Col 1:20 Give Dominion to Man? So that man could exercise Authority as His Heir. Gen 1:26 Gal 4:7