One of the worst things you can hear after an accident is 'there was nerve damage'.
Fear strikes us as we wonder what will we no longer be able to do.
When a nerve is severed it can not be fixed though a damaged nerve can heal itself.
The nervous system is that network of nerves which extend to every location in the human body to enable the five senses - hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting and seeing - as well as movement.
So, why the medical science lecture?
Our physical nervous system is a parallel to our spiritual nervous system.
Since we can , apparently, operate quite well without a functioning spiritual nervous system many people do so.
But what is our spiritual nervous system?
To understand it we need to look at the nature of the physical nervous system.
We have a brain (at least most of us do) and in a healthy individual the brain is able to control every bodily function not under the domain of the autonomous nervous system.
What is the autonomous nervous system?
It is that system which controls breathing and heartbeat. We can vary our breathing rate but it generally happens with us giving it no thought.
So we have a massive communication network of nerves (37 miles in length) that are controlled centrally.
Though most of us were born physically normal (some more normal than others) all of us were 'born' spiritually dead.
If a person is physically dead they are no longer able to interact with the Physical Realm.
Since we were all born spiritually dead it was impossible for us to interact with the Spirit Realm.
The Spirit Realm is where the Holy Spirit is most evident.
So, to use traditional Christian terminology, we were all lost, separated from the Lord.
Now, since our Creator is a Spirit - the Holy Spirit - our being dead to Him was unacceptable - both to Him and us.
→ He was deprived of relationship with man.
→ We were deprived of relationship with Him and so were fit to be destroyed.
So, He (the Holy Spirit) determined to redeem us from the spiritually dead state and bring us back to Himself for the relationship with Him for which we were created.
Enter Christ Jesus who is the express (physical) image of the Holy Spirit. Our Lord Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins, paving the way for us to be Born Again spiritually.
Not only did Christ enable us to become New Spirit beings but He also made it possible for us to be physically filled with the Holy Spirit.
→ In the New Birth we enter back into the Spirit Realm ( Eternal Life).
→ In Spirit Baptism we enter into superhuman contact with the Spirit Realm by virtue of the Holy Spirit in us.
Back to the 'nerves' analogy...
Unfortunately, physical nerves that are not exercised die - or at least go dormant. The same happens to the muscles which they are intended to drive.
In Christ Jesus we are New Creatures - New Spirit beings.
This reality, Satan hates.
So, he sets about in each individual to distract him from the Spirit Realm and focus on the Physical Realm.
He does the same thing to the Church at large. He gets churches and denominations to focus on the Physical Realm.
Some will argue that Jesus was very much involved in the Physical Realm as He ministered. And they would be quite right.
However, Jesus taught the Kingdom Of Heaven. He supernaturally healed and delivered the people. He did not just minister as a human.
Our Lord's desire for us is that we teach the Kingdom Of Heaven and that we supernaturally minister to the needs of the people.
But if our spiritual nerve network is slow, or choppy or completely down, we are as one who has suffered physical nerve damage.
Unlike physical nerve damage which may heal itself or never heal if it is cut, spiritual nerve damage can always be healed by application of the Word.
Spiritual nerves are designed to flow the Word from issue to issue manifesting health wherever it is sown.
But faith is the medium by which the Word travels on that spiritual network.
In the beginning was the Word and the Holy Spirit.
In the end there will be the Word and the Holy Spirit.
We are created in the image of Him who is Spirit And Word, Word And Spirit.
In Christ Jesus there is to be no Nerve Damage physically or spiritually.
Christ Jesus has come that we be made whole.
Wholeness starts in the Spirit Realm extending into the Physical Realm.
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to the Lord must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.  |
There is no need to live with Nerve Damage. Go to the One who created you, redeemed you and filled you with Himself.
Christ Jesus the healer and placed the Healer (His Holy Spirit) in you.
Be healed and bring healing to others.
That is what Jesus did and that is His will for us.