| An LGBTQ person is fundamentally a rule breaker. → They break the rules of morality. → They break the rules of biology. → They break the rules of society. → They break the rules of competition.
It is asinine to enable rules breakers.
What's wrong with these alternative lifestyles?
- Separates people from the Lord
The importance of the word reign in the above scripture cannot be over-stated. It is a reality that Christians continue to fail the Lord (sin) from time to time. The point of the above verse is that Christians may not allow sin to reign or have dominion in their lives. This means that we may never elevate any sin to respectability or acceptance. When a person elevates any sin to respectability they have de-facto removed Christ as Lord of their lives. - Damages and divides society
- Destroys the individual
So we see from the above that when sin reigns in a person's life the end result is death and failure to enter the kingdom of the Lord.
When a person justifies their sin, they elevate their sin above Christ. He is suppose to be Lord of our lives. Any person who justifies sin is like Lucifer who was the first justifier of his sin.
Sin is to be repudiated not accepted. It is what cost Christ his life. sex addictions of any type need to be broken. The power of Christ is available to do that. However, you can only be delivered when you really want to be.
The fallout from public sin is the corruption of the weak. This is true of profanity, promiscuity, alcoholism and drug abuse, etc. |