[ Created: 2016-05-04 09:45:25  Updated: 2018-06-30 11:31:02 Owner: rl ]
Title: To communicate with the Authority - Prayer    



A better way to Pray is as follows:
  1. Begin with Praise and Thanksgiving for who He is and what He has done.   
  2. Confess what the Word says about you (see below}.   
  3. Then Pray in the Spirit.   
  4. Then Pray for others.   
  5. Close with Praise and Thanksgiving for what He will do for others through you.   

Confession 1 by Barry Bennett I am risen with Christ and I Seek those things which are above where Christ sits on the right hand of God.   

I set my affection on things above, not on things on the earth.   

My old man is Dead and my Life is hidden with Christ in God.   I have put on the New man which is renewed after the Image of Him who created him.   

I let the Peace of God rule in my Heart and I let the Word of Christ dwell in me richly.   

Whatever I do in Word or Deed , I do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus !   (Taken from Colossians 3 )

I thank you Father that I am strengthened with Might by your Spirit in my inner man; that Christ dwells in my Heart by Faith and that I am rooted and grounded in Love.   

I am able to comprehend the breadth, length, depth and height of the Love of Christ and I am filled with the Fullness of God !   

You are doing exceeding abundantly more than I can Ask or Think through the Power that is at Work in me!   (from ( )

I am filled with the Knowledge of God’s Will in all Wisdom and Spiritual Understanding.   

I Walk Worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.   I’m fruitful in every Good Work , and increasing in the Knowledge of God.   

I am strengthened with all Might , according to his Glorious Power , unto all Patience and Longsuffering with Joyfulness.   

I continually Give Thanks unto the Father , who has made me to be a partaker of the Inheritance of the saints in Light.   

God has delivered me from the Power of Darkness , and has Translated me into the Kingdom of his dear Son in whom I have Redemption through his Blood , even the Forgiveness of Sins.   (Taken from )

Confession 2 by Barry Bennett The Spirit of Truth abides in me and teaches me all things.   He guides me into all Truth.   

Therefore, I Trust in the Lord with all my Heart and lean not unto my own Understanding.   

In all my ways I acknowledge Him and He directs my path.   

The Lord will Perfect that which concerns me because I let the Word of Christ dwell in me richly.   

I follow the Good Shepherd and I Know His voice.   I will not follow a stranger.   

Jesus is made unto me Wisdom , Righteousness , Sanctification , and Redemption.   

I am filled with the Knowledge of His Will in all Wisdom and Spiritual Understanding.   

I am a New Creation in Christ ; I am His workmanship created in Christ Jesus.   

I have put off the old man and put on the New man which is renewed in the Knowledge and after the Image of Him that created me.   

I am seated with Him in Heavenly places far above all Principality and Power.   

I am delivered from the Power of Darkness and Translated into the Kingdom of His dear Son.   

I am strengthened with all Might according to His glorious Power.   

Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.   I have world overcoming Faith !   I am complete in Him!