Secular is not spiritual.
Humanist is not godly. It used to be that even an old sinner could appreciate the fact he had a mother and church praying for him.
Now, there are folks who not only don`t believe themselves but resent the fact that others do.
What`s the difference?
The old sinner did not fight against faith. The new atheist / agnostic / Secular Humanist has made his conviction a religion. He promotes his religion by countering any other religion - especially Christianity.
March, 2016 update
Two separate incidents occurred which reveal the rising Spirit of Antichrist through the mechanism of the U.S. adopted religion of Secular Humanism.
- A Religious Rights bill in Georgia was vetoed by the governor because Disney and other corporations threatened to curtail business activities in that state.
- In NC, the city of Charlotte was told they must continue to provide traditional male/female restrooms. This action resulted in mayors of San Francisco, New York and Seattle barring travel to NC.
Both of these incidents show how business is now being used to coerce adherence to the state religion. At this point, the pressure is being applied corporately. At some point, the pressure Will be applied to individuals.
20181130 update
Secular Humanism is a religion.
It is the religion of self - of man independent from God.
It is the religion of Satan who was the first to rebel against the authority of God.
Satan convinced Eve and Adam to rebel against the authority of God.
Secular Humanism is the oldest religion in the world.
It undermined mans relationship with God in the garden and it undermines his relationship with God today.
Man was created to live in relationship with God. He Will die without it. The death pangs are all around us.
The manifestation is emptiness, hopelessness, arrogance , hatred and lust for the physical, material - wealth and power.
But there is a cure: Christ Jesus!
Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. |
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. |
20190125 update - The downward spiral
- Evolution Theory gets accepted as Fact
- God is rejected as the authority for morality
- Prayer in school prohibited
- Great Society bottomless pit created
- Moral relativism accepted by masses
- Secular Humanism becomes de facto state religion
- Abortion legalized
- History revised and ignored
- Socialism being taught in schools and universities
- Political Correctness becomes the law of the land
- Legitimization of immorality
- ClimateXhange throry to demonize capitalism
- Lawlessness justified by socialists
- Corruption of every branch of government by the socialists
- Political Correctness morphs into fascism
- Good becomes evil and evil becomes good
- Globalism becomes the goal of American socialists
This may not be exactly the order of regression but it connects what we were with what we are as a nation today.
20220419 update
Secular Humanism is a revival of ancient BAAL worship.
With Disney catering to the confusion of the LGBTQ agenda and increased Corporate Fascism in lock step with government fascism, the freedom to believe and speak the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is under direct attack.
John Lennon wrote the phrase "and no religion too" while being used by Satan to slip the religion of Secular Humanism into the psyche of billions of people.
It is impossible for a human being to have no faith. The only issue is the object of that faith.